With a week until the amateur city championship and less than two weeks to the pro event, the stage is set for the the 2010 Rochester ProAm. These are times when the sport of squash is struggling to achieve a higher profile through its unsuccessful attempt at inclusion in the Olympics and tournaments on the Professional Squash Association (PSA) circuit, both big and small, come and go just as quickly depending on the availability of financial sponsors. Given this current state of the sport, the fact that this will be the NINTH consecutive edition of the Rochester ProAm speaks volumes about the generosity and loyalty of the tiny but close knit squash community in Rochester. Thanks to the generosity of our current 2010 sponsors (especially longtime supporters Andy Publow and Peter Lyman) we have raised just over 50% of our $8000 goal to run the event (this includes $6000 in prize money, a small amount considering the distances travelled by our visiting professionals from around the world to compete in our event).
Beginning April 20th, Rochester will experience, free of charge, the best squash we have ever seen. Please take a moment to support this squash spectacle by making a contribution, big or small, to the event.
Also, get in on the action and sign up for the amateur city championship – only three days left until the deadline!
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